Friday, March 19, 2010

Java interview question: Count the number of “1” bits in a byte

Frankly, I think it is quite an idiotic question. Not because it is too easy or too hard question, but because I think this question doesn’t really imply on the practical programming capabilities of the person being interviewed. Anyway, a friend of mine was asked to solve this question, so I though it might be an interest for more developers looking for a job and having to handle all sort of weird questions.
In general, there are 2 solutions for this question:
  • First solution is iterating 8 times (a byte contains 8 bits). Each time the right most bit is extracted from the byte. and then the byte is shifted right one bit.
  • Second solution, is a little bit less straight forward, but more efficient: Divide the number by 2, if there is a modulo, count it. Repeat this operation as long as the number we are dividing is greater than zero.
Here is how the first solution looks in Java code:
public class GetBits {
public static int countBits(byte num)
  int count = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    if ((num & 1) == 1) // check if right most bit is 1
num = (byte)(num >>> 1); // shit right 1 bit, including the sign bit
  return count;    

Here is how the second solution looks like:

public static int countBits(byte num)
  int count = 0;
  while (num > 0)
    if (num % 2 == 1) // check if number have modulo
num /= 2; // divide the number by 2
  return count;    

Note, that the first solution is a bit less efficient, because it always iterates 8 times. But, it handles both positive and negative values. The second solution will simply won’t work with negative numbers.


  1. I'm fairly sure your first solution doesn't work for negatives either.

  2. Yeah, change this num = (byte)(num >>> 1); to this num /= 2. Otherwise this code won't work due to sign extension occurring when you shift.

  3. // shit right 1 bit, including the sign bit
    Think you mighta missed a letter that heh...
