Friday, January 15, 2010

Test if IPv4 belongs to a private network address

Sometime we need to check if a given IP belongs to a private network. IP of a private network belong to a special range of IPs. It is most likely, that if you have a small local network at your home or work, the IP in that network is starting with “192” or “10”. For example: “” or “”.

The ranges of private network IPs is:


Since we are dealing here with range of IPs, it will be much easier to convert the IPs to long representation. We will use the code from this blog: Convert IP String to numeric representation and numeric representation to IP String in Java, to easily do the job.

Let’s have a look at the function “isIPv4Private”:

 * @author Bashan
public class IpUtils {
  public static String longToIpV4(long longIp) {
    int octet3 = (int) ((longIp >> 24) % 256);
    int octet2 = (int) ((longIp >> 16) % 256);
    int octet1 = (int) ((longIp >> 8) % 256);
    int octet0 = (int) ((longIp) % 256);
    return octet3 + "." + octet2 + "." + octet1 + "." + octet0;
  public static long ipV4ToLong(String ip) {
    String[] octets = ip.split("\\.");
    return (Long.parseLong(octets[0]) << 24) + (Integer.parseInt(octets[1]) << 16) +
        (Integer.parseInt(octets[2]) << 8) + Integer.parseInt(octets[3]);
  public static boolean isIPv4Private(String ip)
    long longIp = ipV4ToLong(ip);
    return (longIp >= ipV4ToLong("") && longIp <= ipV4ToLong("")) ||
        (longIp >= ipV4ToLong("") && longIp <= ipV4ToLong("")) ||
        longIp >= ipV4ToLong("") && longIp <= ipV4ToLong("");
  public static void main(String[] args) {
You can download the class here.

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