Saturday, April 25, 2009

Getting Languages list in Java

In this post: Getting countries list in Java I wrote about how to get countries list in Java. Getting languages list is quite similar. In fact by making small changes to the code on the countries post languages list can be easily taken.

In order to get the countries list we used this static method of Locale class: Locale.getISOCountries(). Getting languages list is quite similar and can be taken by using this method: Locale.getISOLanguages(). This method returns String array containing all language codes compatible with ISO 639 standard (2 letters code).

Similar to the countries list, we will use a class named Language to store information of a single language:

public class Language {
  private String languageCode;
  private String name;
  public Language() {
  public Language(String languageCode, String name) {
    this.languageCode = languageCode; = name;
  public String getLanguageCode() {
    return languageCode;
  public void setLanguageCode(String languageCode) {
    this.languageCode = languageCode;
  public String getName() {
    return name;
  public void setName(String name) { = name;
  public String toString() {
    return languageCode + ", " + name;
And the class LanguageUtil is very similar to CountyUtil, but instead of countries it returns languages:
import java.util.*;
public class LanguageUtil {
  public static List<Language> getLanguages(final Locale inLocale) {
    String[] languageCodes = Locale.getISOLanguages();
    List<Language> languages = new ArrayList<Language>(languageCodes.length);
    for (String languageCode : languageCodes) {
      languages.add(new Language(languageCode, new Locale(languageCode, "").getDisplayLanguage(inLocale)));
    Collections.sort(languages, new Comparator<Language>() {
      public int compare(Language c1, Language c2) {
        return c1.getName().compareTo(c2.getName());
    return languages;
  public static Map<String, String> getLanguagesMap(final Locale inLocale) {
    List<Language> countries = getLanguages(inLocale);
    Map<String, String> countriesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(countries.size());
    for (Language country : countries) {
      countriesMap.put(country.getLanguageCode(), country.getName());
    return countriesMap;
  public static void printLanguages(List<Language> languages) {
    for (Language language : languages) {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Get list of countries in US English
    System.out.println("---- List of languages in English ----");
    List<Language> languages = getLanguages(Locale.US);
    System.out.println("\n\n---- List of languages in Japanese ----");
    // Get list of countries in Japanese
    languages = getLanguages(Locale.JAPANESE);

And the output for our small test program, which prints all languages once in English and once in Japanese:
---- List of languages in English ----
ab, Abkhazian
aa, Afar
af, Afrikaans
ak, Akan
sq, Albanian
am, Amharic
ar, Arabic
an, Aragonese
hy, Armenian
as, Assamese
av, Avaric
ae, Avestan
ay, Aymara
az, Azerbaijani
bm, Bambara
ba, Bashkir
eu, Basque
be, Belarusian
bn, Bengali
bh, Bihari
bi, Bislama
bs, Bosnian
br, Breton
bg, Bulgarian
my, Burmese
ca, Catalan
ch, Chamorro
ce, Chechen
zh, Chinese
cu, Church Slavic
cv, Chuvash
kw, Cornish
co, Corsican
cr, Cree
hr, Croatian
cs, Czech
da, Danish
dv, Divehi
nl, Dutch
dz, Dzongkha
en, English
eo, Esperanto
et, Estonian
ee, Ewe
fo, Faroese
fj, Fijian
fi, Finnish
fr, French
fy, Frisian
ff, Fulah
gl, Gallegan
lg, Ganda
ka, Georgian
de, German
el, Greek
kl, Greenlandic
gn, Guarani
gu, Gujarati
ht, Haitian
ha, Hausa
he, Hebrew
iw, Hebrew
hz, Herero
hi, Hindi
ho, Hiri Motu
hu, Hungarian
is, Icelandic
io, Ido
ig, Igbo
id, Indonesian
in, Indonesian
ia, Interlingua
ie, Interlingue
iu, Inuktitut
ik, Inupiaq
ga, Irish
it, Italian
ja, Japanese
jv, Javanese
kn, Kannada
kr, Kanuri
ks, Kashmiri
kk, Kazakh
km, Khmer
ki, Kikuyu
rw, Kinyarwanda
ky, Kirghiz
kv, Komi
kg, Kongo
ko, Korean
ku, Kurdish
kj, Kwanyama
lo, Lao
la, Latin
lv, Latvian
li, Limburgish
ln, Lingala
lt, Lithuanian
lu, Luba-Katanga
lb, Luxembourgish
mk, Macedonian
mg, Malagasy
ms, Malay
ml, Malayalam
mt, Maltese
gv, Manx
mi, Maori
mr, Marathi
mh, Marshallese
mo, Moldavian
mn, Mongolian
na, Nauru
nv, Navajo
ng, Ndonga
ne, Nepali
nd, North Ndebele
se, Northern Sami
no, Norwegian
nb, Norwegian Bokmål
nn, Norwegian Nynorsk
ny, Nyanja
oc, Occitan
oj, Ojibwa
or, Oriya
om, Oromo
os, Ossetian
pi, Pali
pa, Panjabi
fa, Persian
pl, Polish
pt, Portuguese
ps, Pushto
qu, Quechua
rm, Raeto-Romance
ro, Romanian
rn, Rundi
ru, Russian
sm, Samoan
sg, Sango
sa, Sanskrit
sc, Sardinian
gd, Scottish Gaelic
sr, Serbian
sn, Shona
ii, Sichuan Yi
sd, Sindhi
si, Sinhalese
sk, Slovak
sl, Slovenian
so, Somali
nr, South Ndebele
st, Southern Sotho
es, Spanish
su, Sundanese
sw, Swahili
ss, Swati
sv, Swedish
tl, Tagalog
ty, Tahitian
tg, Tajik
ta, Tamil
tt, Tatar
te, Telugu
th, Thai
bo, Tibetan
ti, Tigrinya
to, Tonga
ts, Tsonga
tn, Tswana
tr, Turkish
tk, Turkmen
tw, Twi
ug, Uighur
uk, Ukrainian
ur, Urdu
uz, Uzbek
ve, Venda
vi, Vietnamese
vo, Volapük
wa, Walloon
cy, Welsh
wo, Wolof
xh, Xhosa
ji, Yiddish
yi, Yiddish
yo, Yoruba
za, Zhuang
zu, Zulu

---- List of languages in Japanese ----
is, アイスランド語
ay, アイマラ語
ga, アイルランド語
ak, アカン語
az, アゼルバイジャン語
as, アッサム語
aa, アファール語
af, アフリカーンス語
ab, アブハズ語
am, アムハラ語
an, アラゴン語
ar, アラビア語
sq, アルバニア語
hy, アルメニア語
av, アヴァル語
ae, アヴェスタ語
it, イタリア語
ji, イディッシュ語
yi, イディッシュ語
io, イド語
iu, イヌクウティトット語
ik, イヌピアック語
ig, イボ語
id, インドネシア語
in, インドネシア語
ug, ウイグル語
cy, ウェールズ語
wo, ウォロフ語
uk, ウクライナ語
uz, ウズベク語
ur, ウルドゥー語
ee, エウェ語
et, エストニア語
eo, エスペラント語
oj, オジブワ語
os, オセチア語
nl, オランダ語
or, オリヤー語
kk, カザフ語
ks, カシミール語
ca, カタロニア語
kr, カヌリ語
kn, カンナダ語
km, カンボジア語
om, ガラ語
gl, ガリシア語
lg, ガンダ語
ki, キクユ語
ky, キルギス語
el, ギリシア語
kj, クゥニャマ語
cr, クリー語
ku, クルド語
hr, クロアチア語
gu, グジャラート語
kl, グリーンランド語
ka, グルジア語
gn, グワラニ語
qu, ケチュア語
xh, コサ語
kv, コミ語
co, コルシカ語
kg, コンゴ語
kw, コーンウォール語
sm, サモア語
sc, サルディニア語
sg, サンゴ語
sa, サンスクリット語
ss, シスワティ語
sn, ショナ語
sd, シンド語
si, シンハラ語
jv, ジャワ語
sv, スウェーデン語
gd, スコットランド・ゲール語
es, スペイン語
sk, スロバキア語
sl, スロベニア語
sw, スワヒリ語
su, スンダ語
zu, ズールー語
st, セソト語
sr, セルビア語
so, ソマリ語
th, タイ語
tl, タガログ語
tg, タジク語
tt, タタール語
ty, タヒチ語
ta, タミール語
cs, チェコ語
ce, チェチェン語
bo, チベット語
ch, チャモロ語
cv, チュヴァシュ語
za, チワン語
ts, ツォンガ語
tn, ツワナ語
ti, ティグリニア語
te, テルグ語
dv, ディベヒ語
da, デンマーク語
tw, トゥイ語
tk, トルクメン語
tr, トルコ語
to, トンガ語
de, ドイツ語
na, ナウル語
nv, ナバホ語
ny, ニャンジャ語
ne, ネパール語
no, ノルウェー語
nn, ノルウェー語 (ニューノルスク)
nb, ノルウェー語 (ボークモール)
ht, ハイチ語
ha, ハウサ語
hu, ハンガリー語
ba, バシキール語
eu, バスク語
bm, バンバラ語
ps, パシュトー語
pa, パンジャブ語
pi, パーリ語
ho, ヒリ・モツ語
hi, ヒンディー語
bi, ビスラマ語
bh, ビハール語
my, ビルマ語
fj, フィジー語
fi, フィンランド語
fo, フェロー語
fr, フランス語
ff, フラ語
fy, フリジア語
bg, ブルガリア語
br, ブルトン語
dz, ブータン語
oc, プロバンス語
he, ヘブライ語
iw, ヘブライ語
hz, ヘレロ語
vi, ベトナム語
bn, ベンガル語
ve, ベンダ語
fa, ペルシア語
bs, ボスニア語
vo, ボラピュク語
pt, ポルトガル語
pl, ポーランド語
mi, マオリ語
mk, マケドニア語
ms, マライ語
mg, マラガシー語
ml, マラヤーラム語
mr, マラーティー語
mt, マルタ語
gv, マン島語
mh, マーシャル語
mo, モルダビア語
mn, モンゴル語
yo, ヨルバ語
lo, ラオ語
la, ラテン語
lv, ラトビア語 (レット語)
lt, リトアニア語
ln, リンガラ語
li, リンブルグ語
lb, ルクセンブルク語
lu, ルバ語
rw, ルワンダ語
rn, ルンジ語
ro, ルーマニア語
rm, レト=ロマン語
ru, ロシア語
wa, ワロン語
ng, ンドンガ語
zh, 中国語
se, 北サミ語
nd, 北ンデベレ語
nr, 南ンデベレ語
ii, 四川語
ia, 国際語
ie, 国際語
cu, 教会スラブ語
ja, 日本語
be, 白ロシア語
en, 英語
ko, 韓国語

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mobile Operators/Carriers list from Wikipedia as SQL inserts

Update: You might want to consider a checking this newer post about mobile operators/carriers.

This passed year showed a big change in the mobile world. The cell phone is no longer only a way of communication. It is a fully portable operating system used also as digital camera, camcorder, GPS, radio, mail , music player, video player, television, gaming machine and much more. It took the cell phone producing companies quite some time to catch up with the iPhone, but they finally did it. New Smart phones are emerging all the time, and the time is not far that we will all be using them.
The growth of smart phones market will make a great donation to the mobile advertising world. More and more advertising money will start moving to this direction as usage increases. The great enhancement of the browsing experience on smart phones makes it a great place for advertising. The growing use of rich mobile applications like YouTube and Facebook is also a great potential for advertising. Long existing mobile features that never really took off like mobile television is also starting to become more realistic with the passed few years network speed upgrades and the growing size of the mobile displays. This is another medium that can be exploited for dynamic targeted advertising.
Well, this long opening was really just a preparation for actually a short blog (I do have to write something… ;-). This whole promising future of the mobile world on the next few years (this is only my assumption don’t take my word for it…) will bring many companies to the game. All these companies in some way or another will need to deal with advertising content on mobile operator/carrier level. I spent quite some time on compiling a complete worldwide SQL insert list of mobile operators. This list may come in handy to some of you. The list is constructed from the following columns:
  • country_code: Country code in ISO 3116-1 alpha-2 (2 letter) standard.
  • operator: Mobile operator/carrier name.
  • brand: Mobile operator brand.
You would probably want to add to this list your own columns containing some extra information as well as a decent primary key.
This list is a based on the Wikipedia page: Mobile Network Code. It is simply a processed and refined version with country code values added. This list is a good start, but will probably be to maintained and updated from time to time.
CREATE TABLE `mobile_operator` (
`country_code` char(2) NOT NULL,
`operator` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`brand` varchar(50) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO `mobile_operator` (`country_code`, `operator`, `brand`) VALUES
('AF', 'Afghan Wireless Communication Company', 'AWCC'),
('AF', 'Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd.', 'Roshan'),
('AF', 'MTN Afghanistan', 'Areeba'),
('AF', 'Etisalat Afghanistan', 'Etisalat'),
('AL', 'Albanian Mobile Communications', 'AMC'),
('AL', 'Vodafone Albania', 'Vodafone'),
('AL', 'Eagle Mobile', 'Eagle Mobile'),
('DZ', 'ATM Mobilis', 'Mobilis'),
('DZ', 'Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa', 'Djezzy'),
('DZ', 'Wataniya Telecom Algerie', 'Nedjma'),
('AD', 'Servei De Tele. DAndorra', 'Mobiland'),
('AO', 'UNITEL S.a.r.l.', 'UNITEL'),
('AI', 'Weblinks Limited', ''),
('AG', 'Antigua Public Utilities Authority', 'APUA'),
('AG', 'Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular (Antigua) Limited', 'bmobile'),
('AG', 'Antigua Wireless Ventures Limited', 'Digicel'),
('AR', 'Telefonica Móviles Argentina SA', 'Movistar'),
('AR', 'NII Holdings', 'Nextel'),
('AR', 'AMX Argentina S.A', 'Claro'),
('AR', 'Telecom Personal SA', 'Personal'),
('AR', 'Hutchinson (PORT HABLE)', ''),
('AM', 'ArmenTel', 'Beeline'),
('AM', 'K Telecom CJSC', 'VivaCell-MTS'),
('AW', 'SETAR (Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba)', 'SETAR'),
('AW', 'Digicell', 'Digicell'),
('AU', 'Telstra Corp. Ltd.', 'Telstra'),
('AU', 'Singtel Optus Ltd', 'YES OPTUS'),
('AU', 'Vodafone Australia', 'Vodafone'),
('AU', 'Department of Defence', ''),
('AU', 'Ozitel', 'Ozitel'),
('AU', 'Hutchison 3G', '3'),
('AU', 'One. Tel', 'One. Tel'),
('AU', 'Airnet', 'Airnet'),
('AU', 'AAPT', 'AAPT'),
('AU', '3GIS', '3GIS'),
('AU', 'Advanced Communications Technologies', ''),
('AU', 'Crazy John''s', 'Crazy John''s'),
('AU', 'Localstar', 'Localstar'),
('AT', 'Mobilkom Austria', 'A1'),
('AT', 'T-Mobile Austria', 'T-Mobile'),
('AT', 'Orange Austria', 'Orange'),
('AT', 'Hutchison 3G', '3'),
('AZ', 'Azercell', 'Azercell'),
('AZ', 'Bakcell', 'Bakcell'),
('AZ', 'Azerfon', 'Nar Mobile'),
('BS', 'The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd', 'BaTelCo'),
('BH', 'Batelco', 'Batelco'),
('BD', 'GrameenPhone Ltd', 'Grameenphone'),
('BD', 'Aktel', 'Aktel'),
('BD', 'Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Limited', 'Banglalink'),
('BD', 'TeleTalk', 'TeleTalk'),
('BD', 'Citycell', 'Citycell'),
('BD', 'Warid Telecom', 'Warid'),
('BB', 'Cable & Wireless Barbados Ltd.', 'bmobile'),
('BB', 'Digicel (Jamaica) Limited', 'Digicel'),
('BB', 'Sunbeach Communications', ''),
('BY', 'Velcom', 'Velcom'),
('BY', 'JLLC Mobile TeleSystems', 'MTS'),
('BY', 'Belarussian Telecommunications Network', 'life:)'),
('BY', 'BelCel', ''),
('BE', 'Belgacom Mobile', 'Proximus'),
('BE', 'France Telecom', 'Mobistar'),
('BE', 'KPN', 'BASE'),
('BZ', 'Belize Telemedia', ''),
('BZ', 'International Telecommunications Ltd.', ''),
('BZ', 'Smart', 'Smart'),
('BM', 'Telecommunications (Bermuda & West Indies) Ltd', 'Digicel Bermuda'),
('BM', 'M3 Wireless', 'Mobility'),
('BM', 'Digicel', 'Digicel'),
('BM', 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One'),
('BJ', 'Bell Benin Communications', 'BBCOM'),
('BJ', 'Libercom', 'Libercom'),
('BJ', 'Telecel Benin Ltd', 'Telecel'),
('BJ', 'Spacetel Benin', 'Areeba'),
('BT', 'B-Mobile', 'B-Mobile'),
('BT', 'Tashi InfoComm Limited', 'TashiCell'),
('BO', 'Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia SA', 'Nuevatel'),
('BO', 'Entel SA', 'Entel'),
('BO', 'Telefonica Celular De Bolivia S.A', 'Tigo'),
('BA', 'Public Enterprise Croatian Telecom Ltd.', 'ERONET'),
('BA', 'RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka', 'm:tel'),
('BA', 'BH Telecom', 'BH Mobile'),
('BW', 'Mascom Wireless (Pty) Limited', 'Mascom'),
('BW', 'Orange (Botswana) Pty Limited', 'Orange'),
('BW', 'Botswana Telecommunications Corporation', 'BTC Mobile'),
('BR', 'Telecom Italia Mobile', 'TIM'),
('BR', 'Claro (América Móvil)', 'Claro'),
('BR', 'Vivo S.A.', 'Vivo'),
('BR', 'CTBC Telecom', 'CTBC Celular'),
('BR', 'Sercomtel Celular', 'Sercomtel'),
('BR', 'Brasil Telecom Celular SA', 'Oi / Brasil Telecom'),
('BR', 'Amazônia Celular S.A.', 'Oi / Amazonia Celular'),
('BR', 'TNL PCS', 'Oi'),
('BR', 'CTBC Celular S.A.', 'CTBC Celular'),
('BR', 'Unicel do Brasil', 'aeiou'),
('VG', 'Cable & Wireless (West Indies)', 'Cable & Wireless'),
('VG', 'Caribbean Cellular Telephone', ''),
('BN', 'Jabatan Telekom', ''),
('BN', 'B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd', 'B-Mobile'),
('BN', 'DataStream Technology', 'DTSCom'),
('BG', 'Mobiltel', 'M-Tel'),
('BG', 'BTC', 'Vivatel'),
('BG', 'Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile', 'GLOBUL'),
('BF', 'Onatel', 'Onatel'),
('BF', 'Celtel Burkina Faso', 'Zain'),
('BF', 'Telecel Faso SA', 'Telecel Faso'),
('BI', 'Econet Wireless Burundi PLC', 'Spacetel'),
('BI', 'Africell PLC', 'Africell'),
('BI', 'Telecel Burundi Company', 'Telecel'),
('BI', 'Onatel', 'Onatel'),
('KH', 'CamGSM', 'Mobitel'),
('KH', 'Telekom Malaysia International (Cambodia) Co. Ltd', 'hello'),
('KH', 'S Telecom', ''),
('KH', 'Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd', 'qb'),
('KH', 'APPLIFONE CO. LTD.', 'Star-Cell'),
('KH', 'Camshin / Shinawatra', ''),
('KH', 'Excell', 'Excell'),
('KH', 'Latelz Co., Ltd', ''),
('KH', 'Sotelco Ltd. (Beeline-KH)', 'Beeline'),
('CM', 'Mobile Telephone Network Cameroon Ltd', 'MTN Cameroon'),
('CM', 'Orange Cameroun S.A.', 'Orange'),
('CA', 'Telus', ''),
('CA', 'Telus Mobility Temporary', ''),
('CA', 'Airtel Wireless', ''),
('CA', 'FIRST Networks Operations Inc', 'FIRST'),
('CA', 'Telus Mobility', 'MiKe'),
('CA', 'Microcell Telecommunications Inc (Fido)', 'Fido'),
('CA', 'Dryden Mobility', 'DMTS'),
('CA', 'Globalive Wireless', ''),
('CA', 'ICE Wireless', ''),
('CA', 'Bell Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'BC Tel Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'Sask Tel Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'MTS Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'Tbay Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'Telus (Quebec) Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'MB Tel Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'MT&T Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'New Tel Mobility', ''),
('CA', 'Globalstar', 'Globalstar'),
('CA', 'Rogers Wireless', ''),
('CV', 'CVMovel, S.A.', 'CVMOVEL'),
('KY', 'Cable & Wireless (Cayman Islands) Limited', 'Cable & Wireless'),
('KY', 'Digicel Cayman Ltd.', 'Digicel'),
('CF', 'Centrafrique Telecom Plus', 'CTP'),
('CF', 'Telecel Centrafrique', 'TC'),
('CF', 'Orange RCA', 'Orange'),
('CF', 'Nationlink Telecom RCA', 'Nationlink'),
('TD', 'CelTel Tchad SA', 'Zain'),
('TD', 'Tchad Mobile', ''),
('TD', 'TIGO - Millicom', ''),
('CL', 'Entel Pcs', 'Entel'),
('CL', 'Movistar Chile', 'movistar'),
('CL', 'Claro Chile', 'Claro'),
('CL', 'Entel Telefonica Movil', 'Entel'),
('CN', 'China Mobile', ''),
('CN', 'China Unicom', ''),
('CN', 'China Telecom', ''),
('CO', 'Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. - Telecom', ''),
('CO', 'Edatel S.A.', 'Edatel'),
('CO', 'Comcel Colombia', 'Comcel'),
('CO', 'Bellsouth Colombia', 'movistar'),
('CO', 'Colombia Móvil', 'Tigo'),
('CO', 'Telefónica Móviles Colombia', 'movistar'),
('KM', 'HURI - SNPT', ''),
('CG', 'Celtel Congo', 'Zain'),
('CG', 'MTN CONGO S.A', 'Libertis Telecom'),
('CG', 'African Telecoms', ''),
('CG', 'Congolaise Wireless', ''),
('CK', 'Telecom Cook', ''),
('CR', 'Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad', 'ICE'),
('CR', 'Grupo ICE', 'ICE'),
('HR', 'T-Mobile Croatia', 'T-Mobile'),
('HR', 'Tele2', 'Tele2'),
('HR', 'VIPnet', 'VIPnet'),
('CU', 'Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba, SA', 'ETECSA'),
('CY', 'Cyprus Telecommunications Auth', 'Cytamobile-Vodafone'),
('CY', 'Areeba Ltd', 'MTN'),
('CZ', 'T-Mobile Czech Republic', 'T-Mobile'),
('CZ', 'Telefónica O2 Czech Republic', 'EUROTEL PRAHA'),
('CZ', 'Vodafone Czech Republic', 'OSKAR'),
('CZ', 'MobilKom, a. s.', 'U:fon'),
('CZ', 'SŽDC s.o.', ''),
('CZ', 'Vodafone Czech Republic a.s., R&D Centre at FEE, CTU', 'Vodafone'),
('CG', 'Vodacom Congo RDC sprl', 'Vodacom'),
('CG', 'Cellco', ''),
('CG', 'Supercell SPRL', 'Supercell'),
('CG', 'Congo-Chine Telecom s.a.r.l.', 'CCT'),
('CG', 'OASIS SPRL', 'SAIT Telecom'),
('CG', 'Africell RDC sprl', 'Africell'),
('DK', 'TDC A/S', 'TDC'),
('DK', 'Telenor', 'Sonofon'),
('DK', 'MIGway A/S', ''),
('DK', 'Hi3G Denmark ApS', '3'),
('DK', 'Barablu Mobile Ltd.', ''),
('DK', 'Telia', 'Telia'),
('DK', 'Telia Nãttjänster Norden AB', 'Telia'),
('DJ', 'Djibouti Telecom SA', 'Evatis'),
('DM', 'Digicel', 'Digicel'),
('DM', 'Cable & Wireless', ''),
('DO', 'Orange Dominicana', 'Orange'),
('DO', 'Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos, C por', 'Claro'),
('DO', 'Tricom S.A.', 'Tricom'),
('DO', 'Trilogy Dominicana, S.A.', 'Viva'),
('TL', 'Timor Telecom', ''),
('EC', 'Otecel S.A.', 'Movistar'),
('EC', 'América Móvil', 'Porta'),
('EC', 'Telecsa S.A.', 'Alegro'),
('EG', 'ECMS-Mobinil', 'Mobinil'),
('EG', 'Vodafone Egypt', 'Vodafone'),
('EG', 'Etisalat Egypt', 'Etisalat'),
('SV', 'CTE Telecom Personal SA de CV', 'CTE Telecom Personal'),
('SV', 'Digicel Group', 'digicel'),
('SV', 'Telemovil EL Salvador S.A', 'Telemovil EL Salvador'),
('SV', 'Telefónica Móviles El Salvador', 'movistar'),
('SV', 'América Móvil', 'Claro'),
('GQ', 'GETESA', 'Orange GQ'),
('ER', 'Eritrea Telecommunications Services Corporation', 'Eritel'),
('EE', 'Estonian Mobile Telecom', 'EMT'),
('EE', 'Elisa Eesti', 'Elisa'),
('EE', 'Tele 2 Eesti', 'Tele 2'),
('EE', 'OY Top Connect', ''),
('EE', 'AS Bravocom Mobiil', ''),
('EE', 'OY ViaTel', ''),
('ET', 'Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation', 'ETMTN'),
('FO', 'Faroese Telecom', 'Faroese Telecom'),
('FO', 'Vodafone Faroe Islands', 'Vodafone'),
('FJ', 'Vodafone Fiji', 'Vodafone'),
('FJ', 'Digicel Fiji', 'Digicel'),
('FI', 'DNA Oy', 'DNA'),
('FI', 'Elisa Oyj', 'Elisa'),
('FI', 'TDC Oy', ''),
('FI', 'Ålands Mobiltelefon', 'AMT'),
('FI', 'Scnl Truphone', ''),
('FI', 'TeliaSonera Finland Oyj', 'Sonera'),
('FR', 'Orange', 'Orange'),
('FR', 'France Orange', 'France Telecom Mobile'),
('FR', 'Globalstar Europe', ''),
('FR', 'SFR', 'SFR'),
('FR', 'Bouygues Telecom', 'Bouygues'),
('PF', 'Tikiphone SA', 'VINI'),
('GA', 'Libertis S.A.', 'Libertis'),
('GA', 'Moov (Telecel) Gabon S.A.', ''),
('GA', 'Celtel Gabon S.A.', 'Zain'),
('GM', 'Gamcel', 'Gamcel'),
('GM', 'Africel', 'Africel'),
('GE', 'Geocell Limited', 'Geocell'),
('GE', 'Magticom GSM', 'Magti'),
('GE', 'Iberiatel Ltd.', 'Iberiatel'),
('GE', 'Mobitel LLC', 'Beeline'),
('GE', 'Aquafon', 'Aquafon'),
('GE', 'A-Mobile', 'A-Mobile'),
('DE', 'T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH', 'T-Mobile'),
('DE', 'Vodafone D2 GmbH', 'Vodafone'),
('DE', 'E-Plus Mobilfunk', 'E-Plus'),
('DE', 'Vodafone', 'Vodafone'),
('DE', 'T-Mobile', 'T-Mobile'),
('DE', 'O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG', 'O2'),
('DE', 'O2', 'O2'),
('DE', 'Arcor AG & Co', ''),
('DE', 'Dolphin Telecom', ''),
('DE', 'Mobilcom Multimedia', ''),
('DE', 'Group 3G UMTS', ''),
('DE', 'Airdata', 'Airdata'),
('DE', 'vistream', 'vistream'),
('DE', 'DB Telematik', ''),
('DE', 'Siemens AG', ''),
('DE', 'E-Plus', 'E-Plus'),
('DE', 'Debitel', 'Debitel'),
('GH', 'ScanCom Ltd', 'MTN'),
('GH', 'Ghana Telecommunications Company Ltd', 'Ghana Telecom Mobile'),
('GH', 'Millicom Ghana Limited', 'tiGO'),
('GH', 'Kasapa / Hutchison Telecom', ''),
('GI', 'Gibraltar Telecoms', 'GibTel'),
('GR', 'COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A.', 'Cosmote'),
('GR', 'Vodafone Greece', 'Vodafone'),
('GR', 'Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A.', 'Wind'),
('GL', 'TELE Greenland A/S', ''),
('GD', 'Digicel Grenada Ltd.', 'Digicel'),
('GD', 'Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd.', 'Cable & Wireless'),
('GP', 'Orange Caraïbe Mobiles', 'Orange'),
('GP', 'Outremer Telecom', 'Outremer'),
('GP', 'Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl', 'Telcell'),
('GP', 'Dauphin Telecom', 'MIO GSM'),
('GP', 'DIGICEL Antilles Française Guyane', 'Digicel'),
('GU', 'IT&E Overseas, Inc', 'IT&E Wireless'),
('GU', 'Guam Telephone Authority', ''),
('GU', 'GTA Wireless', 'mPulse'),
('GU', 'Guam Cellular & Paging Inc', 'Guamcell'),
('GU', 'Wave Runner LLC', 'i CAN_GSM'),
('GT', 'Servicios de Comunicaciones Personales Inalambricas (SERCOM)', 'Claro'),
('GT', 'Millicom / Local partners', 'Comcel / Tigo'),
('GT', 'Telefonica Móviles Guatemala (Telefónica)', 'movistar'),
('GT', 'Digicel Group', 'digicel'),
('GN', 'Spacetel', 'Spacetel'),
('GN', 'Sotelgui Lagui', 'Lagui'),
('GN', 'INTERCEL Guinée', 'Telecel Guinee'),
('GN', 'Areeba Guinea', 'MTN'),
('GW', 'Spacetel Guiné-Bissau S.A.', 'Areeba'),
('GY', 'U-Mobile (Cellular) Inc.', 'Digicel'),
('HT', 'Comcel / Voila', ''),
('HT', 'Digicel', 'Digicel'),
('HN', 'Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V.', 'Claro'),
('HN', 'Celtel / Tigo', ''),
('HN', 'Empresa Hondureña de Telecomunicaciones', 'Hondutel'),
('HN', 'Digicel de Honduras', 'DIGICEL'),
('HK', 'Hong Kong CSL Limited', 'CSL'),
('HK', 'CITIC Telecom 1616', ''),
('HK', 'Hutchison Telecom', '3 (3G)'),
('HK', 'SmarTone Mobile Comms', 'Smartone-Vodafone'),
('HK', 'China Unicom', ''),
('HK', 'Trident', ''),
('HK', 'China Motion Telecom', ''),
('HK', 'China-Hongkong Telecom', ''),
('HK', 'China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited', 'CMCC Peoples'),
('HK', 'PCCW Mobile (PCCW Ltd)', 'PCCW'),
('HU', 'Pannon GSM Távközlési Zrt.', 'Pannon'),
('HU', 'Magyar Telekom Plc', 'T-Mobile'),
('HU', 'Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.', 'Vodafone'),
('IS', 'Iceland Telecom', 'Siminn'),
('IS', 'Og fjarskipti hf', 'Vodafone'),
('IS', 'Vodafone Iceland', 'Vodafone'),
('IS', 'IMC Island ehf', 'Viking'),
('IS', 'Núll níu ehf', ''),
('IS', 'IceCell ehf', 'IceCell'),
('IS', 'Nova ehf', 'Nova'),
('IN', 'Vodafone Essar', 'Vodafone - Haryana'),
('IN', 'Bharti Airtel', 'Airtel - Punjab'),
('IN', 'Idea cellular', 'Idea - Delhi'),
('IN', 'Vodafone Essar Gujarat Limited', 'Vodafone - Gujarat'),
('IN', 'Reliance GSM', ''),
('IN', 'IDEA Cellular Limited', 'Idea Haryana'),
('IN', 'Vodafone Essar South', 'Vodafone'),
('IN', 'Spice Communications', 'Spice Telecom - Punjab'),
('IN', 'Aircell Digilink Essar Cellph.', ''),
('IN', 'Vodafone Mumbai', 'Vodafone'),
('IN', 'BPL Mobile Mumbai', ''),
('IN', 'Dishnet Wireless/Aircel', 'Aircel - Orissa'),
('IN', 'Vodafone Essar East Limited', 'Vodafone - Kolkata'),
('IN', 'Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited', 'BSNL'),
('IN', 'Reliance GSM - Bihar & Jharkhand', 'Reliance'),
('IN', 'Aircel', 'Aircel - Chennai Metro'),
('IN', 'Spice Communications Limited', 'Spice Telecom - Karnataka'),
('IN', 'Vodafone', 'Vodafone'),
('IN', 'Reliance Telecom Private', 'Reliance - Orissa'),
('IN', 'Aircell Digilink', '----'),
('IN', 'BSNL Maharashtra & Goa', 'BSNL - Maharashtra'),
('IN', 'Vodafone Essar East', 'Vodafone - West Bengal'),
('IN', 'Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd', 'MTNL - Delhi'),
('IN', 'Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited / CellOne', 'BSNL'),
('IN', 'BTA Cellcom', ''),
('IN', 'Idea', 'Idea'),
('IN', 'Reliance GSM - Kolkata', 'Reliance'),
('IN', 'Reliance GSM - West Bengal', 'Reliance'),
('IN', 'Escorts Telecom', ''),
('IN', 'Airtel Maharashtra & Goa', 'Airtel - Maharashtra'),
('IN', 'Airtel Mumbai', ''),
('IN', 'Airtel Gujrat', ''),
('ID', 'PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (ACeS)', 'PSN'),
('ID', 'PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT)', 'INDOSAT'),
('ID', 'PT Indosat', 'StarOne'),
('ID', 'PT Telkom', 'TelkomFlexi'),
('ID', 'PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler', 'AXIS'),
('ID', 'PT Smart Telecom', 'SMART'),
('ID', 'PT Telekomunikasi Selular', 'Telkomsel'),
('ID', 'PT Excelcomindo Pratama', 'XL'),
('ID', 'PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia', 'Ceria'),
('ID', 'PT Mobile-8 Telecom', 'Fren/Hepi'),
('ID', 'PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications', '3'),
('ID', 'PT Bakrie Telecom', 'Esia'),
('IR', 'Mobile Communications Company of Iran', 'MCI'),
('IR', 'KFZO', 'TKC'),
('IR', 'Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan', 'MTCE'),
('IR', 'Taliya', 'Taliya'),
('IR', 'Irancell Telecommunications Services Company', 'Irancell'),
('IQ', 'Zain Iraq', 'Zain IQ'),
('IQ', 'Asia Cell Telecommunications Company', 'Asia Cell'),
('IQ', 'Korek Telecom Ltd', 'Korek'),
('IQ', 'SanaTel', 'SanaTel'),
('IQ', 'Orascom Telecom Iraq Corporation', 'IRAQNA'),
('IE', 'Vodafone Ireland', 'Vodafone'),
('IE', 'O2 Ireland', 'O2'),
('IE', 'Meteor', 'Meteor'),
('IE', 'Access Telecom', ''),
('IE', 'Hutchison 3G Ireland limited', '3'),
('IE', 'Eircom', ''),
('IE', 'Clever Communications', ''),
('IL', 'Partner Communications Company Ltd', 'Orange'),
('IL', 'Cellcom', 'Cellcom'),
('IL', 'Pelephone', 'Pelephone'),
('IL', 'Mirs', 'Mirs'),
('IT', 'Telecom Italia SpA', 'TIM'),
('IT', 'Elsacom', 'Elsacom'),
('IT', 'Vodafone Omnitel N.V.', 'Vodafone'),
('IT', 'Rete Ferroviaria Italiana', 'RFI'),
('IT', 'IPSE 2000', 'IPSE 2000'),
('IT', 'Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA', 'Wind'),
('IT', 'Blu', 'Blu'),
('IT', 'Hutchison 3G', '3 Italia'),
('JM', 'Cable & Wireless', 'Cable & Wireless'),
('JM', 'Digicel (Jamaica) Limited', 'Digicel'),
('JM', 'Oceanic Digital Jamaica Limited', 'Claro'),
('JP', 'eMobile, Ltd.', 'eMobile'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Hokuriku', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'SoftBank Mobile Corp', 'SoftBank'),
('JP', 'KDDI Corporation', 'KDDI'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Tokai', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Tohoku', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Chugoku', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Kyushu', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMoTohoku', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'NTT DoCoMo Shikoku', 'DoCoMo'),
('JP', 'Okinawa Cellular Telephone', ''),
('JP', 'TU-KA Cellular Tokyo', 'TU-KA'),
('JP', 'TU-KA Phone Kansai', 'TU-KA'),
('JP', 'TU-KA Cellular Tokai', 'TU-KA'),
('JO', 'Jordan Mobile Telephone Services', 'Zain'),
('JO', 'XPress Telecom', 'XPress Telecom'),
('JO', 'Umniah', 'Umniah'),
('JO', 'Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom)', 'Orange'),
('KZ', 'KaR-Tel LLP', 'Beeline'),
('KZ', 'GSM Kazakhstan Ltd', 'Kcell'),
('KZ', 'Dalacom', 'Dalacom'),
('KZ', 'Mobile Telecom Service LLP', 'Mobile Telecom Service'),
('KE', 'Safaricom Limited', 'Safaricom'),
('KE', 'Celtel Kenya Limited', 'Zain'),
('KE', 'Telkom Kenya', 'Orange Kenya'),
('KE', 'Econet Wireless Kenya', 'yu'),
('KI', 'Telecom Services Kiribati Ltd', 'Kiribati Frigate'),
('KP', 'Korea Posts and Telecommunications Corporation', 'SUN NET'),
('KR', 'KTF', 'KTF'),
('KR', 'Shinsegi Telecom, Inc.', 'Digital 017'),
('KR', 'SK Telecom', 'SKT'),
('KR', 'LG Telecom', 'LGT'),
('KW', 'Mobile Telecommunications Co.', 'Zain'),
('KW', 'National Mobile Telecommunications', 'Wataniya'),
('KW', 'Kuwait Telecommunication Company', 'Viva'),
('KG', 'Sky Mobile LLC', 'Bitel'),
('KG', 'BiMoCom Ltd', 'MegaCom'),
('KG', 'NurTelecom LLC', 'O!'),
('LA', 'Lao Shinawatra Telecom', 'LaoTel'),
('LA', 'Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao', 'ETL'),
('LA', 'Lao Asia Telecommunication State Enterprise (LAT)', 'LAT'),
('LA', 'Millicom Lao Co Ltd', 'Tigo'),
('LV', 'Latvian Mobile Telephone', 'LMT'),
('LV', 'Tele2', 'Tele2'),
('LV', 'Telekom Baltija', 'TRIATEL'),
('LV', 'Bite Latvija', 'Bite'),
('LV', 'Rigatta', ''),
('LV', 'Master Telecom', 'MTS'),
('LV', 'IZZI', 'IZZI'),
('LB', 'Alfa', 'Alfa'),
('LB', 'MIC 2', 'MTC-Touch'),
('LS', 'Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd', 'Vodacom'),
('LS', 'Econet Ezin-cel', ''),
('LR', 'Lonestar Communications Corporation', 'Lonestar Cell'),
('LR', 'Comium Liberi', ''),
('LR', 'Liberia Telecommunications Corporation', 'LIBTELCO'),
('LY', 'Libyana', 'Libyana'),
('LY', 'Al Madar', 'Madar'),
('LI', 'Swisscom Schweiz AG', 'Swisscom'),
('LI', 'Orange Liechtenstein AG', 'Orange'),
('LI', 'Mobilkom Liechtenstein AG', 'FL1'),
('LI', 'Belgacom', 'Tele 2'),
('LT', 'Omnitel', 'Omnitel'),
('LT', 'UAB Bité Lietuva', 'BITE'),
('LT', 'Tele 2', 'Tele 2'),
('LU', 'P&T Luxembourg', 'LuxGSM'),
('LU', 'Tango SA', 'Tango'),
('LU', 'VOXmobile S.A.', 'Voxmobile'),
('MO', 'SmarTone Macao', 'SmarTone'),
('MO', 'C.T.M. Telemovel+', 'CTM'),
('MO', 'China Telecom', 'China Telecom'),
('MO', 'Hutchison Telecom', '3'),
('MK', 'T-Mobile Makedonija', 'T-Mobile'),
('MK', 'Cosmofon', 'Cosmofon'),
('MK', 'VIP Operator', 'Vip'),
('MG', 'Celtel', 'Zain'),
('MG', 'Orange Madagascar S.A.', 'Orange'),
('MG', 'Telma Mobile S.A.', 'Telma'),
('MW', 'Telecom Network Malawi', 'TNM'),
('MW', 'Celtel Limited', 'Zain'),
('MY', 'Maxis Communications Berhad', 'Maxis'),
('MY', 'Celcom Malaysia Sdn Bhd', 'Celcom'),
('MY', 'DiGi Telecommunications', 'DiGi'),
('MY', 'U Mobile Sdn Bhd', 'U Mobile'),
('MV', 'Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun', 'Dhiraagu'),
('MV', 'Wataniya Telecom Maldives', 'Wataniya'),
('ML', 'Malitel SA', 'Malitel'),
('ML', 'Orange Mali SA', 'Orange'),
('MT', 'Vodafone Malta', 'Vodafone'),
('MT', 'Mobisle Communications Limited', 'GO'),
('MT', 'Melita Mobile Ltd. (3G Telecommunications Limited)', 'Melita'),
('MR', 'Mattel', 'Mattel'),
('MR', 'Mauritel Mobiles', 'Mauritel'),
('MU', 'Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd.', 'Orange'),
('MU', 'Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd.', 'MTNL'),
('MU', 'Emtel Ltd', 'Emtel'),
('MX', 'Nextel México', 'Nextel'),
('MX', 'América Móvil', 'Telcel'),
('MX', 'Pegaso Comunicaciones y Sistemas', 'movistar'),
('FM', 'FSM Telecom', ''),
('MD', 'Orange Moldova', 'Orange'),
('MD', 'Moldcell', 'Moldcell'),
('MD', 'Moldtelecom', 'Unité'),
('MD', 'Interdnestrcom', 'IDC'),
('MD', 'Eventis Telecom', 'Eventis'),
('MC', 'Monaco Telecom', 'Office des Telephones'),
('MN', 'Mobicom Corporation', 'MobiCom'),
('MN', 'Unitel LLC', 'Unitel'),
('ME', 'ProMonte GSM', 'ProMonte'),
('ME', 'T-Mobile Montenegro LLC', 'T-Mobile'),
('ME', 'MTEL CG', 'm:tel CG'),
('MA', 'Medi Telecom', 'Méditel'),
('MA', 'Ittissalat Al Maghrib (Maroc Telecom)', 'IAM'),
('MA', 'WANA - Groupe ONA', 'WANA'),
('MZ', 'Mocambique Celular S.A.R.L', 'mCel'),
('MZ', 'Vodacom Mozambique, S.A.R.L.', 'Vodacom'),
('MM', 'Myanmar Post and Telecommunication', 'MPT'),
('NA', 'MTC Namibia', 'MTC'),
('NA', 'Telecom Namibia', 'switch'),
('NA', 'Telecel Globe (Orascom)', 'Cell One'),
('NP', 'Nepal Telecom', ''),
('NP', 'Spice Nepal Private Ltd', 'Mero Mobile'),
('NP', 'United Telecom Limited', ''),
('NL', 'Tele2 Netherlands', ''),
('NL', 'NS Railinfrabeheer B.V.', ''),
('NL', 'Vodafone Netherlands', 'Vodafone'),
('NL', 'KPN', 'KPN'),
('NL', 'T-Mobile Netherlands B.V', 'T-Mobile / Ben'),
('AN', 'Telcell N.V.', 'Telcell'),
('AN', 'Curaçao Telecom N.V.', 'Digicel'),
('AN', 'Setel N.V.', 'UTS'),
('AN', 'East Caribbean Cellular', ''),
('AN', 'Antiliano Por N.V.', ''),
('AN', 'E.O.C.G. Wireless', 'MIO'),
('AN', 'Bòbò Frus N.V.', 'Bayòs'),
('NC', 'OPT New Caledonia', 'Mobilis'),
('NZ', 'Telecom New Zealand', 'Telecom'),
('NZ', 'Vodafone New Zealand', 'Vodafone'),
('NZ', 'Woosh Wireless New Zealand', 'Woosh'),
('NZ', 'TelstraClear New Zealand', 'TelstraClear'),
('NZ', 'NZ Communications New Zealand', 'NZ Comms'),
('NI', 'Empresa Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones, S.A.', 'Claro'),
('NI', 'Telefónica Móviles de Nicaragua S.A.', 'movistar'),
('NI', 'Servicios de Comunicaciones S.A.', 'SERCOM'),
('NE', 'SahelCom', 'SahelCom'),
('NE', 'Celtel Niger', 'Zain'),
('NE', 'Telecel Niger SA', 'Telecel'),
('NE', 'Orange Niger', 'Orange'),
('NG', 'Celtel Nigeria Ltd Ltd.', 'Zain'),
('NG', 'MTN Nigeria Communications Limited', 'MTN'),
('NG', 'Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Limited', 'M-Tel'),
('NG', 'Globacom Ltd', 'Glo'),
('NO', 'Telenor', 'Telenor'),
('NO', 'NetCom GSM', 'NetCom'),
('NO', 'MTU', 'MTU'),
('NO', 'Tele2', 'Tele2'),
('NO', 'Network Norway', 'Network Norway'),
('NO', 'Nordisk Mobiltelefon', 'Ice'),
('NO', 'Ventelo', 'Ventelo'),
('NO', 'TDC Mobil AS', ''),
('NO', 'Barablu Mobile Norway Ltd', ''),
('NO', 'Jernbaneverket AS', ''),
('OM', 'Oman Telecommunications Company', 'Oman Mobile'),
('OM', 'Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOC', 'Nawras'),
('PK', 'Mobilink-PMCL', 'Mobilink'),
('PK', 'Pakistan Telecommunciation Mobile Ltd', 'Ufone'),
('PK', 'China Mobile', 'Zong'),
('PK', 'Telenor Pakistan', 'Telenor'),
('PK', 'WaridTel', 'Warid'),
('PK', 'Instaphone', 'Instaphone'),
('PW', 'Palau National Communications Corp.', 'PNCC'),
('PW', 'Palau Mobile Corporation', 'Palau Mobile'),
('PS', 'Palestine Cellular Communications, Ltd.', 'JAWWAL'),
('PS', 'Wataniya Palestine Mobile Telecommunications Company', 'Wataniya'),
('PA', 'Cable & Wireless Panama S.A.', 'Cable & Wireless'),
('PA', 'Telefonica Moviles Panama S.A', 'movistar'),
('PA', 'Digicel (Panama) S.A.', 'Digicel'),
('PG', 'Pacific Mobile Communications', 'B-Mobile'),
('PG', 'Digicel PNG', 'Digicel'),
('PY', 'Hola Paraguay S.A', 'VOX'),
('PY', 'AMX Paraguay S.A.', 'Claro'),
('PY', 'Telefonica Celular Del Paraguay S.A. (Telecel)', 'Tigo'),
('PY', 'Núcleo S.A', 'Personal'),
('PE', 'Telefónica Móviles Perú', 'movistar'),
('PE', 'América Móvil Perú', 'Claro'),
('PE', 'NII Holdings', 'NEXTEL'),
('PH', 'Innove Communications Inc', 'Islacom'),
('PH', 'Globe Telecom', 'Globe'),
('PH', 'Smart Communications Inc', 'Smart Gold'),
('PH', 'Digital Telecommunications Philippines', 'Digitel'),
('PH', 'ACeS Philippines', ''),
('PH', 'Connectivity Unlimited Resource Enterprise', 'Red Mobile'),
('PH', 'Nextel', ''),
('PL', 'Polkomtel', 'Plus'),
('PL', 'Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (PTC)', 'Era'),
('PL', 'PTK Centertel', 'Orange'),
('PL', 'Tele2 Polska', 'Tele2'),
('PL', 'P4 Sp. z o.o', 'Play'),
('PL', 'Premium Internet', ''),
('PL', 'E-Telko', ''),
('PL', 'Telekomunikacja Kolejowa', ''),
('PL', 'Telefony Opalenickie', ''),
('PL', 'Nordisk Polska', ''),
('PL', 'Cyfrowy Polsat', 'Cyfrowy Polsat'),
('PL', 'Sferia S.A.', 'Sferia'),
('PL', 'CenterNet S.A.', 'CenterNet'),
('PT', 'Vodafone Portugal', 'Vodafone'),
('PT', 'Sonaecom – Serviços de Comunicações, S.A.', 'Optimus'),
('PT', 'Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais', 'TMN'),
('PT', 'Zapp Portugal', 'Zapp'),
('PR', 'Puerto Rico Telephone Company', 'Claro'),
('QA', 'Q-Tel', 'Qatarnet'),
('RE', 'Orange La Réunion', 'Orange'),
('RE', 'Outremer Telecom', 'Outremer'),
('RE', 'Societe Reunionnaise de Radiotelephone', 'SFR Reunion'),
('RO', 'Vodafone România', 'Vodafone'),
('RO', 'Cosmote România', 'Cosmote'),
('RO', 'Telemobil', 'Zapp'),
('RO', 'RCS&RDS', 'DIGI.mobil'),
('RO', 'Orange România', 'Orange'),
('RU', 'Mobile TeleSystems', 'MTS'),
('RU', 'MegaFon OJSC', 'MegaFon'),
('RU', 'Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications', 'NCC'),
('RU', 'Sibchallenge', 'Sibchallenge'),
('RU', 'Yeniseytelecom', 'ETK'),
('RU', 'Zao SMARTS', 'SMARTS'),
('RU', 'Khabarovsky Cellular Phone', 'Skylink'),
('RU', 'Dontelekom', 'DTC'),
('RU', 'Orensot', ''),
('RU', 'Baykal Westcom / New Telephone Company / Far Eastern Cellular', 'Baykalwestcom'),
('RU', 'Kuban GSM', 'KUGSM'),
('RU', 'SMARTS Ufa', 'SMARTS'),
('RU', 'New Telephone Company', 'NTC'),
('RU', 'JSC Uralsvyazinform', 'Utel'),
('RU', 'Tele2', 'Tele2'),
('RU', 'Mobicom - Novosibirsk', 'Mobicom - Novosibirsk'),
('RU', 'Beeline', 'Beeline'),
('RU', 'MOTIV', 'MOTIV'),
('RU', 'Uralsvyazinform', 'Utel'),
('RU', 'Stavtelesot / North Caucasian GSM', ''),
('RU', 'Primtelefon', ''),
('RU', 'Telecom XXI', ''),
('RU', 'OJSC VimpelCom', 'Beeline'),
('RU', 'SkyLink/MTS/the Moscow Cellular communication', ''),
('RU', 'Akos', 'Akos'),
('RW', 'MTN Rwandacell SARL', 'MTN'),
('KN', 'Digicel', 'Digicel'),
('KN', 'Cable & Wireless', ''),
('LC', 'Digicel', 'Digicel'),
('LC', 'Cable & Wireless', ''),
('PM', 'St. Pierre-et-Miquelon Télécom', 'Ameris'),
('VC', 'Digicel', 'Digicel'),
('VC', 'Cingular Wireless', 'Cingular Wireless'),
('VC', 'Cable & Wireless', 'Cable & Wireless'),
('WS', 'Digicel Pacific Ltd.', 'Digicel'),
('WS', 'SamoaTel Ltd', 'SamoaTel'),
('SM', 'San Marino Telecom', 'PRIMA'),
('ST', 'Companhia Santomese de Telecomunicaçôe', 'CSTmovel'),
('SA', 'Saudi Telecom Company', 'STC'),
('SA', 'Etihad Etisalat Company', 'Mobily'),
('SA', 'Electronics App'' Est.', 'EAE'),
('SA', 'MTC Saudi Arabia', 'Zain SA'),
('SN', 'Sonatel ALIZE', ''),
('SN', 'Sentel GSM', ''),
('RS', 'Telenor Serbia', 'Telenor'),
('RS', 'Telekom Srbija', 'Telekom Srbija'),
('RS', 'VIP Mobile', 'VIP Mobile'),
('SC', 'Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd.', 'Cable & Wireless'),
('SC', 'Mediatech International Ltd.', 'Mediatech International'),
('SC', 'Telecom Airtel', ''),
('SL', 'Zain', 'Zain'),
('SL', 'Millicom', 'Millicom'),
('SL', 'Datatel', 'Datatel'),
('SL', 'Comium Sierra leone INC', 'Comium'),
('SL', 'Africell', 'Africell'),
('SL', 'Mobitel', 'Mobitel'),
('SL', 'Sierratel', 'LeoneCel'),
('SG', 'Singapore Telecom', 'SingTel'),
('SG', 'MobileOne Asia', 'M1'),
('SG', 'StarHub Mobile', 'StarHub'),
('SG', 'Digital Trunked Radio Network', ''),
('SK', 'Orange Slovensko', 'Orange'),
('SK', 'T-Mobile Slovensko', 'T-Mobile'),
('SK', 'Unient Communications', ''),
('SK', 'Mobile Entertainment Company', ''),
('SK', 'Telefónica O2 Slovakia', 'O2'),
('SK', 'ŽSR', 'ŽSR'),
('SI', 'SI.MOBIL d.d.', 'Si.mobil'),
('SI', 'Mobitel D.D.', 'Mobitel'),
('SI', 'T-2 d.o.o.', 'T-2'),
('SI', 'Tušmobil d.o.o.', 'Tušmobil'),
('SB', 'Solomon Telekom Co Ltd', 'BREEZE'),
('SO', 'Somafone FZLLC', 'Somafone'),
('SO', 'Nationlink', 'Nationlink'),
('SO', 'Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc', 'Hormuud'),
('SO', 'Golis Telecommunications Company', 'Golis'),
('SO', 'Telecom Mobile', 'Telcom Mobile'),
('SO', 'Telcom Somalia', 'Telcom Somalia'),
('ZA', 'Vodacom', 'Vodacom'),
('ZA', 'Sentech', 'Sentech'),
('ZA', 'Cell C', 'Cell C'),
('ZA', 'MTN Group', 'MTN'),
('ZA', 'SAPS Gauteng', ''),
('ZA', 'Neotel', 'Neotel'),
('ZA', 'Cape Town Metropolitan Council', ''),
('ZA', 'Bokamoso Consortium', ''),
('ZA', 'Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd.', ''),
('ZA', 'Ilizwi Telecommunications', ''),
('ZA', 'Thinta Thinta Telecommunications', ''),
('ZA', 'Telkom', ''),
('ES', 'Vodafone Spain', 'Vodafone'),
('ES', 'France Telecom España SA', 'Orange'),
('ES', 'Xfera Moviles SA', 'Yoigo'),
('ES', 'Telefónica Móviles España', 'TME'),
('ES', 'Euskaltel', 'Euskaltel'),
('ES', 'BT Group', 'BT'),
('ES', 'TeleCable', 'TeleCable'),
('ES', 'ONO', 'ONO'),
('ES', 'Simyo', 'Simyo'),
('ES', 'Best Spain Telecom', 'DigiMobil'),
('ES', 'BARABLU MÓVIL ESPAÑA', 'Barablu'),
('LK', 'Mobitel Lanka Ltd.', 'Mobitel'),
('LK', 'Dialog Telekom PLC.', 'Dialog'),
('LK', 'Celtel Lanka Ltd', 'Tigo'),
('LK', 'Hutch Sri Lanka', ''),
('LK', 'Bharathi AirTel', 'AirTel Sri Lanka'),
('LK', 'Relaince India(Ambhani Group)', 'RTEC Mobile'),
('SD', 'Mobitel / Mobile Telephone Company', ''),
('SD', 'MTN Sudan', 'MTN'),
('SD', 'Wawat Securities', 'Vivacell'),
('SR', 'Telesur', 'Telesur'),
('SZ', 'Swazi MTN', ''),
('SE', 'TeliaSonera Mobile Networks', 'Telia'),
('SE', '3', '3'),
('SE', 'Nordisk Mobiltelefon', ''),
('SE', '3G Infrastructure Services', ''),
('SE', 'Sweden 3G', ''),
('SE', 'Telenor', 'Telenor'),
('SE', 'Tele2 AB', 'Tele2'),
('SE', 'Telenor Mobile Sverige', ''),
('SE', 'SpringMobil', 'SpringMobil'),
('SE', 'Lindholmen Science Park', ''),
('SE', 'Barablu Mobile Scandinavia', ''),
('SE', 'Ventelo Sverige', ''),
('SE', 'TDC Mobil', ''),
('SE', 'Wireless Maingate Nordic', ''),
('SE', '42IT', ''),
('SE', 'Wireless Maingate Message Services', ''),
('SE', 'Banverket', ''),
('CH', 'Swisscom Ltd', 'Swisscom'),
('CH', 'Sunrise Communications AG', 'Sunrise'),
('CH', 'Orange Communications SA', 'Orange'),
('CH', 'Togewanet AG (Comfone)', ''),
('CH', 'SBB AG', ''),
('CH', 'IN&Phone SA', 'IN&Phone'),
('CH', 'Tele2 Telecommunications AG', 'Tele2'),
('CH', '3G Mobile AG', ''),
('CH', 'BebbiCell AG', ''),
('SY', 'SyriaTel', 'SyriaTel'),
('SY', 'MTN Syria (JSC)', 'MTN Syria'),
('TW', 'Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd', 'FarEasTone'),
('TW', 'Asia Pacific Telecom', 'APTG'),
('TW', 'Tuntex Telecom', 'Tuntex'),
('TW', 'LDTA/Chungwa Telecom', 'Chunghwa LDM'),
('TW', 'KG Telecom', 'KG Telecom'),
('TW', 'VIBO Telecom', 'VIBO'),
('TW', 'Chunghwa', 'Chungwa'),
('TW', 'Mobitai Communications', 'MobiTai'),
('TW', 'Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd', 'Taiwan Mobile'),
('TW', 'TransAsia Telecoms', 'TransAsia'),
('TJ', 'JV Somoncom', 'Somoncom'),
('TJ', 'Indigo Tajikistan', 'Indigo'),
('TJ', 'TT Mobile, Closed joint-stock company', 'MLT'),
('TJ', 'CJSC Babilon-Mobile', 'Babilon-M'),
('TJ', 'Co Ltd. Tacom', 'Beeline TJ'),
('TZ', 'Tritel', ''),
('TZ', 'MIC Tanzania Limited', 'Mobitel'),
('TZ', 'Zanzibar Telecom Ltd', 'Zantel'),
('TZ', 'Vodacom Tanzania Limited', 'Vodacom'),
('TZ', 'Celtel Tanzania Limited', 'Zain'),
('TH', 'CAT CDMA', ''),
('TH', 'Advanced Info Service', '')